To clear the history of recently accessed files and folders or any recent activity that you have performed in KDE, follow the below steps

The easiest way to install the virtual box in Kubuntu is to install it via the Discover tool. The other alternative option is to directly add the repo URL of the virtual box and install it from that repo.

Let us see how to install docker in Kubuntu or any Ubuntu variant and run it without sudo permission as a non-root user. To start with, remove any old installation of docker or its dependencies

The version of KDE Plasma that is part of Kubuntu 20.04 doesn’t have a GUI to increase the size of System Tray Icons. To increase the System Tray icon size, we may have to edit the KDE plasma config file directly

If you are trying to configure MySQL Workbench or synchronising settings with GitHub Account in VS Code, you may encounter this error The name org.freedesktop.secrets was not provided by any .service files